1 The Washo Project

Search for "h" found 680 results

  1. MašášdɨmiAudio filemany people are hiding
  2. Mát'ikšegto be hurt, almost killed by falling, in a collision
  3. Mášdimihe's hiding
  4. Mášdɨm gášugihe's coming inside to hide
  5. Mášdɨm gíšugihe's coming over to hide
  6. Mášdɨmaʔ k'ášdɨmihe's hiding and he's hiding something
  7. Mášdɨmaʔ mašášdɨmihe's hiding and he's hiding several things
  8. Mášdɨmihe's hiding
  9. Wáʔihe's the one who's doing it
  10. balk'ó:šihe's drilling a hole
  11. bedugémsedto help
  12. bedugémsediAudio filehe helps him
  13. bedíliʔ ledéšɨlAudio fileHand me a match! / Give me the match!
  14. bedíliʔ ledéšɨliHe's handing me the match.
  15. bedíliʔ léšɨl hésgeʔ má:duluAudio fileGive me the match with two hands!
  16. bedíliʔ míʔleši gá:dulu ledéšɨliHe gave me the matches with both hands.
  17. bedíliʔ míʔleši má:dulu ledéšɨlGive me the match with both your hands!
  18. behéziŋ daláʔakAudio filesmall mountain / hill
  19. behéziŋ wegóyabiAudio fileIt has a small hole.
  20. beverly detúmu k'éʔi ʔwáʔAudio fileBeverly is the boss here.
  21. beziyéziŋ déʔek dibipɨsmámaʔiŋa t'í:yeliʔ lák'aŋa dibipɨsé:s k'éʔi t'í:yeliʔ k'éʔiš ʔilšɨ́šɨšišémuyiI finished picking up the small rocks, but I can't pick up the big rock. It's big. It's heavy.
  22. bilá:daʔ mamá:lut'ihe takes money away from you
  23. bišápuʔto be hungry
  24. bišápuʔihe's hungry
  25. bumé:liʔhusband
  26. bumé:liʔáyʔex-husband
  27. bákbagi ʔášaʔihe's smoking -- he's going to.
  28. bámc'i lebíšɨlhand me the sugar!
  29. báyi gayá:k'ɨm dewMéyuyaCut the pie in half!
  30. báŋkuš ʔumsahé:šido you have a cigarette?
  31. bélbelhigh (of voice)
  32. bévali lélew ʔilkáykayiʔiAudio fileHe is taller than Beverly. / Next to Beverly, he is tall.'
  33. bévali ʔwáʔ ʔéʔiAudio fileBeverly is here
  34. béverli hálaŋa ʔí:biʔé:siyeʔAudio file(I see) Beverly hasn't come yet
  35. béverli pú:lul baŋáya gúk'uyi ʔišga ʔwáʔŋa ʔeʔé:siBeverly's car is parked outside, but she's not here
  36. béverli t'ánu lák'aʔ lélbišda ʔí:biʔiš míʔlewIf Beverly had come to the party, everyone would have been happy
  37. bɨŋɨ́:ŋɨyiit's humming
  38. c'igógomhuhail
  39. c'ilólhip
  40. c'ilóndoʔetiʔihe has small hips
  41. c'imí:biʔhips, hip bone
  42. c'uwítiʔiit's hanging
  43. chíli bíniši mubá:bɨlichili beans are hot and spicy.
  44. dagáwk'awsomething hard
  45. dahé:š ʔaʔáyt'iʔi ʔló:tAudio fileWas he there yesterday?
  46. daláʔak gáwdaover the mountain, hill
  47. damt'áʔŋaʔhunter
  48. damámalto hear
  49. dap'á:p'ɨšhis lungs
  50. datá:gilhis knife
  51. datóʔohis throat
  52. dawMášdɨmplace where something is hidden
  53. dawgót'umuwa ŋówa há:šihe's throwing dirt into the hole
  54. dawmóʔlɨm demšé:gɨlSecret Harbor Creek
  55. dawʔnóp'aʔ dáŋalno-good house
  56. dayáhato be hurt, sick
  57. dayásaŋa Audio filein the hot (water)
  58. daŋaŋáŋalAudio filehouses
  59. daŋámuʔhis daughter
  60. daʔilk'áwk'awiʔhard
  61. deMélɨwhis belt
  62. debešápuAudio filehungry
  63. debɨk'ɨ́k'ɨyiʔher sister's children
  64. dec'igú:gušAudio filehis stomach, belly
  65. dec'igú:guša gayáhayetihé:šhayišperhaps it started to hurt his stomach?
  66. dec'ímelhis beard
  67. degumdeklíyšiʔsomething you hate to look at
  68. degumhámudeklíyšiʔsomething you hate to think about
  69. degumt'ewitwidiʔsomething hard to lie on
  70. degumyaŋátludiʔsomething soft to his hand
  71. degápšabhis thick, bushy beard
  72. degápšabaon his bushy beard
  73. degú:gelewɨ́lAudio filecircle, hoop; round
  74. delbúlbuliʔhusky (person), big (chunk of meat)
  75. delkáykayiʔ mámaʔas tall as he's going to get
  76. delyá:wiʔ t'é:weʔ dewgó:gaʔ ʔáyušiʔiAudio fileShe has long black hair.
  77. delyá:wiʔ ʔáyušiʔi t'é:weʔ dewgó:gaʔAudio fileShe has long black hair.
  78. delšɨ́šɨšiʔ šemuyé:sIt's not so heavy
  79. delšɨ́šɨšiʔ šémuIt's really heavy
  80. delšɨ́šɨšiʔé:sAudio fileHe is not heavy.
  81. delšɨ́šɨšiʔé:s k'éʔiIt's not heavy
  82. demeʔéwšiʔher husband's brother
  83. demuc'úc'u t'é:k'eŋa ʔiʔwé:saʔAudio fileHe didn't eat many berries
  84. demémewaŋrocky hill on west of Highway 395, ten miles south of t'ugébɨliŋa
  85. det'éʔiʔé:sdead, not here
  86. detyátkiʔAudio filehunter, killer
  87. dewMéya(ŋ) geyúsut'at'ɨmihe's tearing it in half
  88. dewMéyaŋ diyúwet'at'ɨmšelet's (du.) divide it up in halves
  89. dewMéyaŋ gayá:k'ɨmihe's cutting it in half
  90. dewMéyuAudio filehalf
  91. dewMéyuyaAudio fileit is half, half full
  92. dewdé:lduweʔAudio filehorse
  93. dewdíʔiš t'é:k'eŋa yá:k'aʔé:siAudio fileThe tree doesn't have a lot of pinecones
  94. dewdíʔiš t'é:k'eʔ yá:k'aʔiAudio fileThe tree has a lot of pinecones
  95. dewdíʔiš wí:diʔ dubáldiʔ múʔc'um yá:k'aʔaš lák'aʔ háʔwaʔ múʔc'um ʔida haʔwáʔwaʔ yá:k'aʔiAudio fileThis tree has fifty pinecones, the other one has forty-eight pinecones
  96. dewgótɨmuweʔdeep hole
  97. dewgótɨmuweʔaby the deep hole, cave
  98. dewgóyaphaAudio filetunnel, hole
  99. dewligéwaʔaa bare hill in the Pine Nut Range
  100. dewmétuʔ Máŋalice house
  101. dewsɨp'ɨ́šp'ɨšhaving long, narrow eyes
  102. dewyéc'išiʔ dáŋaldirty house
  103. dewŊéliweʔhillside (going up)
  104. dewŊétiʔsteep hillside (going down)
  105. dewʔlú:bula Mášdɨmisomebody is hiding in a thicket
  106. deʔikékšiʔ t'á:liwhushort and husky man
  107. diMáyzuyiI have scraggly hair
  108. diMášdɨmaš MóyabiAudio fileI hid and they ran by
  109. diMášdɨmiI'm hiding
  110. diMášdɨmiš MóyabaygiAudio fileI hid and they ran by
  111. diMók'akhayiI hooked it, I caught it
  112. dibišápuyiAudio fileI am hungry
  113. dibumé:liʔ daʔat'ó:t'omy husband's older brothers
  114. dic'igú:gušaon his stomach, belly
  115. didulayá:wi ʔida yáhayiMy hands are black and they hurt.
  116. didulá:šiAudio fileI put my hand in
  117. diduláyawiAudio fileI have one black hand.
  118. didámal magác'iw guláygiAudio fileI kind of heard it before
  119. didótig gípsaAudio fileI am getting hot
  120. didútwidi láhɨlaAudio fileI am stiff in my leg. (My leg is stiff.)
  121. digumhámugípsiI'm feeling high
  122. digóyʔ hé:š k'éʔiAudio fileIs he my father?
  123. dihamuʔáŋaw šémuyiI am happy.
  124. dihamuʔáŋawi lemluʔáŋawušayʔgiAudio fileWhen I am happy, I eat well
  125. dihamuʔáŋawi lémluyaʔáŋawigi LéʔiAudio fileWhen I am happy, I eat
  126. dihamuʔáŋawi t'é:k'eʔ léʔwigi LéʔiAudio fileWhen I am happy, I eat a lot
  127. dihámuwáŋaw galá:miAudio fileI would rather be happy
  128. dimetgí:bɨlé:siI don't believe him
  129. dimeʔéwšiʔmy husband's brother
  130. dimá:gu dagóyʔmy sister's husband
  131. dirú:ma wayásaŋiAudio fileIt's hot in my room.
  132. disáʔiAudio fileI have it
  133. dit'á:YaŋiI'm hunting
  134. diwdámal gúbiʔiAudio fileI heard them and came back
  135. diwgayáʔyešlášaʔiI'm going to call him up
  136. diwhólsaliI have messy hair
  137. diyáhayetiʔi digumyá:k'ɨmidaI cut myself, and I started to hurt
  138. diyásaŋa dihuLúyaʔiAudio fileI got hot and collapsed
  139. dizɨ́tzɨyiI'm playing basket hand-game
  140. diʔmé:šmy husband
  141. diʔohóhomgikɨliAudio fileI scold him, hit him
  142. diʔohóšAudio filemy hat
  143. diʔulišawáwlam maʔlóʔpayašmy female relatives will hold your hand
  144. diʔŋahé:š dawdáŋaʔright height, right length
  145. dubáldi dewgális k'éʔiHe is five years old
  146. duk'u gadálikAudio fileHit him hard.
  147. dulakákdihe's moving his hands slowly
  148. dulaʔáʔamiAudio fileHe put his hands into the water
  149. dulepépešto have black, dirty, greasy hands
  150. duleʔwíʔwidiAudio fileHe is shaking hands / His hands are shaking
  151. duleʔwíʔwidi gá:dulu yáhayišgaAudio fileHe is shaking his hands, although they hurt.
  152. duleʔwíʔwidi míʔleši ʔá:duluAudio fileBoth (his) hands are shaking.
  153. duleʔwíʔwidéʔšugihe's waving his hand in this direction
  154. duleʔwíʔwitAudio fileto shake hands / to have one's hands shaking
  155. dulá:što have one's hand in something
  156. duláʔamiAudio fileHe put his hand into the water
  157. duláʔami dímeʔaAudio fileHe put his hand into the water
  158. dulé:tiʔihe's holding his hand down
  159. duléšɨlto offer one’s hand to someone
  160. duléšɨliAudio fileHe is putting his hand out.
  161. duléʔešiduŋ Mí:giAudio filehis hand looks like mine
  162. dzhon malaʔóŋos k'éʔiJohn is a handicapped person.
  163. dálik'to hit, strike someone
  164. dámalto hear
  165. dámaliŋaAudio fileI heard it
  166. dáŋalhouse
  167. dáŋal Lísiʔbetween the houses
  168. dáŋal didópošhayášaʔiAudio fileI will burn the house
  169. dáŋal dó:daʔmámaʔiThey finished building the house
  170. dáŋal dópošaAudio filethe house is burning
  171. dáŋal k'á:daʔášaʔiHe's going to do something to the house
  172. dáŋal ʔá:šain, into the house
  173. dáŋal ʔí:lein back of the house
  174. dáŋal ʔíwiʔon, over the house
  175. dáŋala detúmuhead of the household
  176. dáŋala gígɨlewɨlAudio filearound the house
  177. dáŋala p'á:šuweʔ má:šdɨmiHe's sneaking into the house secretly (away from speaker).
  178. dáŋala p'áŋaʔgipsihe's crawling onto the house
  179. dáŋala wat'á:šugiAudio fileIt's blowing into the house [towards speaker].
  180. dáŋaladi ʔump'ímeweʔiAudio fileyou come out of the house
  181. dáŋalʔíwiʔ šuʔmáwdihe's throwing it over the house
  182. démlu ʔmíyeʔgipɨshayihe's getting food ready for you to take
  183. déwŋeʔélmu Mášdɨmiit's hidden under the bank
  184. déšɨlto hand someone something
  185. déʔek dawgóyaphaa man's name
  186. déʔek ʔélmu ʔát'abiʔ Mášdɨmia fish is hiding under a rock
  187. déʔeklu gadálik'ášaʔaʔhe was going to hit him with a rock
  188. dí:be wetugáŋaʔiAudio filethe sun helps
  189. dídàmaláŋawé:siAudio fileI didn't hear you well
  190. dímeʔ dégušwater hemlock
  191. díyuyaAudio fileI hear
  192. díʔyuya didulá:šiI put my hand in the fire
  193. díʔyuya wagap'áp'awaAudio fileI hear it sizzle
  194. dó:k'oheel
  195. dó:mathell-diver
  196. dú:c'uyá:mto hit one's elbow on something, bump one's elbow, hit something with one's elbow
  197. dúlbeweʔihe collapsed from heat
  198. ga:duluAudio filewith his hands
  199. ga:duyá:šuwash your hands
  200. gaMók'akAudio filehook
  201. gaMók'akhayaʔAudio filehe hooked it
  202. gadá:mihe hit somebody with a rock, ball, etc.
  203. gadálik'ihe hit him
  204. gadámalihe hears it
  205. gagumbéyitcomb your hair
  206. gamó:baʔtiʔmake the bed! saddle the horse!
  207. gap'ɨlhere and there
  208. gapálaliAudio filehe smells it
  209. gawadášahayihe's sleeping soundly
  210. gawgát'ikšegiyeʔihe whipped him half to death
  211. gawgáyamihe hit him with a stick; a stick fell and hit him
  212. gawyák'aš šémuhayaAudio filehe makes it very hot
  213. gawyásaŋhaAudio filemake it hot!
  214. gawyásaŋhayaAudio filehe makes it hot
  215. gawá:yiʔ degumló:ʔpayamiʔé:shard-to-catch horse
  216. gawá:yɨʔAudio filehorse
  217. gawá:yɨʔ Má:bik'ɨlgišihorse is prancing
  218. gawá:yɨʔ Máʔšamihorse is lying down
  219. gawá:yɨʔ Móʔyihorse is running away
  220. gawá:yɨʔ MúʔušiAudio fileThe horse is running.
  221. gawá:yɨʔ belúc'uʔéwaʔa píweʔihorse fell over his side
  222. gawá:yɨʔ daláʔiŋfemale horse, mare
  223. gawá:yɨʔ damáhawiʔfighting horse
  224. gawá:yɨʔ dawdó:t'aʔwork-horse
  225. gawá:yɨʔ degumsúhet'iʔmean horse
  226. gawá:yɨʔ dekgumlešéʔšiʔrace horse
  227. gawá:yɨʔ demúkweyiʔmale horse
  228. gawá:yɨʔ dep'išéyepacer horse, single-footer, gaited horse
  229. gawá:yɨʔ detšé:gešiʔcircus horse
  230. gawá:yɨʔ dewík'u hámuwild horse
  231. gawá:yɨʔ dewík'uhámuyé:sgentle horse
  232. gawá:yɨʔ gaʔabá:mihorse is pawing him, striking him with front paws
  233. gawá:yɨʔ geliwác'abihorse kicked him
  234. gawá:yɨʔ geliwáysihorse missed him (kicking)
  235. gawá:yɨʔ gášɨklé:we píweʔihorse fell over backward
  236. gawá:yɨʔ p'iwáyšaygišihorse is galloping
  237. gawá:yɨʔ p'íʔšihorse is walking along
  238. gawá:yɨʔ t'eyúʔyugiAudio filethe horse is galloping
  239. gawá:yɨʔ t'eyúʔyukgišihorse is trotting
  240. gawá:yɨʔ t'ánulu šuʔmítiʔithe horse threw somebody off
  241. gawá:yɨʔ t'é:kelʔéʔemtricky horse
  242. gawá:yɨʔ yawc'ác'iwihorse is bucking
  243. gawá:yɨʔ yá:liʔiAudio filethe horse is standing
  244. gawá:yɨʔ yáligipsihorse is rearing up on hind legs
  245. gawá:yɨʔ ʔumgá:guʔihorse is grazing
  246. gawá:yɨʔ ʔíyeʔiAudio filethe horse is walking
  247. gawá:yɨʔa k'uláŋaʔihe's riding a horse
  248. gayáhahahurt it!
  249. gašášdɨmihe's hiding things in different places
  250. gaʔláwk'awetiʔiit's pinching it hard
  251. geLéʔšihe's chasing it
  252. gec'ugéʔešAudio fileCarry it (small obj.)!
  253. gehéʔšukthrow it hither!
  254. gemugí:giyi githáŋa yáhayišgaAudio fileHe tasted it, although his mouth was hurting.
  255. gemugí:giyi yáhayišgaHe tasted it, although he was hurting.
  256. gewtétewalk on both sides of her!
  257. geyesílsilahe's cutting them up small
  258. geyéʔešhayiAudio fileHe is driving it
  259. geyú:dumihe's pulling it
  260. gitmókgo damá:lɨyihe's changing his shoes
  261. gitwí:giya yáhayi tugílegidaAudio fileHis eyes hurt because they are red.
  262. gitʔuhó:š t'e:liwhu ʔišlášaʔihe'll give his hat to the man
  263. goʒiʔadašbacon, ham
  264. gumbuʔáŋaliʔšémuyetiʔaʔthey (du.) made a permanent home together
  265. gumdálik'ithey're hitting each other
  266. gumgeléʔešdelemiAudio fileI hear you crying
  267. gumilálik'ithey're fighting and hitting each other
  268. gump'ísewa gúʔšugiʔé:sione can't hear anything
  269. gumsesésmušhayihe kept making himself vomit repeatedly
  270. gumt'ánuhámuyihe's happy
  271. gumšášdɨmithey are hiding in several places
  272. gá:du détc'uʔihe's holding his hands flat together (as in praying)
  273. gáduAudio filewillow summer house
  274. gárdɨna ʔéʔiAudio fileHe is in the garden
  275. gáŋalhis own home
  276. gáŋalbuild a house!
  277. gáŋal ʔá:šain / into his own house
  278. gáŋalaAudio filein his house
  279. gáŋaladi ʔišgáʔiAudio filehe moves away from his house
  280. gé:him, her, it (obj.), this (obj.), that (obj.)
  281. géwe debišápuʔiweyé:s k'éʔi tulí:šiʔ lélewAudio fileThe coyote is always hungrier than the wolf
  282. géwe t'á:gɨm t'é:k'eʔ sáʔigi tulí:šiʔ dúlel hé:šiThe coyote has more pinenuts than the wolf.
  283. géwe wáʔ ʔéʔgap'ɨlušiAudio fileThe coyote has been around here
  284. géwe wú:yicoyote is howling
  285. géwe ʔwáʔ ʔiyeʔáʔyiʔia coyote was walking here
  286. géyewkCome here.
  287. gí:he, she, it (subj.), this (subj.), that (subj.)
  288. gíhebaAudio fileon his head
  289. gíheba gitʔuhó:š báŋaʔášaʔihe's going to put his hat on his head
  290. gíhebadiʔ gitʔuhó:š báwdaʔyášaʔihe's going to take his hat off
  291. gík'eŋ pú:lul rí:noya deyéʔešha k'éʔiAudio fileHe always drives to Reno
  292. gó:beʔ yasaŋšémuyudi téštiw yák'ašetigišiThe coffee was really hot, and now it's becoming warm
  293. gó:beʔ yásaŋiThe coffee is hot
  294. gó:lašAudio filefast, hurry!
  295. gókotlelušishe keeps wiggling her hips around slowly
  296. gólaš géyewkAudio fileHurry up and come.
  297. gólaš hádaʔ géyeweʔAudio fileHurry, go fast (to somewhere away from speaker).
  298. gólaš hádigi géʔesukAudio filehurry up and bring me the book
  299. gólaš léyeweʔiAudio fileI'm hurrying, going fast.
  300. gólaš léyeweʔášaʔiAudio fileI'm going to go (away) fast, hurry (away).
  301. gólaš líšɨlAudio fileHurry up and bring it, give it
  302. góziʔhog, pig (especially for meat)
  303. gú:ŋahé:š máŋaliʔiAudio filewhere is your house, where do you live
  304. gúdiŋa pú:lul hé:š háda gúk'uyiAudio fileWhose car is parked here?
  305. gúdiŋa pú:lul hé:š hádigi gúk'uyiAudio fileWhose car is parked here?
  306. gúdiŋa pú:lul hé:š hádigi háda gúk'uyiAudio fileWhose car is parked there?
  307. gúŋahé:š máŋalAudio filewhere is your house?
  308. halíŋa dáŋal dó:damamaʔé:siIt took them a long time to finish building the house
  309. halíŋayé:s dáŋal dó:daʔmámaʔiIt didn't take very long for them to finish the house
  310. hamudéʔešhope
  311. hanayáwgimens hand game
  312. hatdó:khot dog
  313. hiná:yayishe's playing womens hand-game
  314. humwútHomewood
  315. huŋamité:sa t'á:gɨm ʔumušéʔesiskiʔhow do you count pine nuts?
  316. huŋamité:šaAudio filehow do you say it?
  317. huŋaté:šiʔ dewgális hé:š k'éʔgabigiAudio fileHow old will he be?
  318. huŋaté:šiʔ dewgális hé:š mé:hu k'éʔiAudio fileHow old is the boy?
  319. huŋayáŋayaheaven
  320. hàmuʔáŋawiAudio filehe is glad, happy
  321. há:biʔáŋawiIt's really raining hard
  322. há:diʔ bedíliʔ ʔmíšlihe's giving matches to you
  323. há:diʔ demeʔéwšiʔher husband's brother
  324. há:diʔ gadámalihe hears it
  325. há:diʔ ʔmíšlihe's giving it to you
  326. há:diʔ ʔumdá:miyou're hitting him
  327. há:pšhops
  328. háda láŋali diLéʔiI live in that house there.
  329. hádigi t'é:weʔ dewgúliweʔ k'éʔiAudio fileThat one (the ladder) is really high
  330. hádigi tóšap deʔilšɨ́:šɨšiʔ hé:š k'éʔiIs that bag heavy?
  331. hálaŋa dáŋal diwgayémiʔudiI'm still sweeping the house
  332. hálaŋa yáha wéwšiIt still hurts a little bit
  333. háʔaš šemuyé:siIt's not raining too hard
  334. háʔaš šémuyiIt's raining hard
  335. hé:šihuh, really
  336. hésgeʔ múʔc'im múʔc'imtwo hundred
  337. hésgeʔ ʔá:dulu dulé:k'ɨliAudio fileHe is cooking with twohis hands.
  338. hó:šugwind to blow in hither
  339. hóšp'iʔhay
  340. hú:biʔiwind has gotten here
  341. hút'iwaʔa ʔak'é:hiligi ŋá dahámuguyugiʔé:s Léhuyisomething will happen in future but we don't think about it
  342. húŋahow
  343. húŋa mehé:šiAudio filehow are you?
  344. húŋa ʔumhamuhé:šiAudio filehow are you feeling?
  345. húŋat'é:šihé:š wewgíʔišiAudio fileHow much does it weigh?
  346. húŋaʔéʔiškuAudio fileWhy did that happen?
  347. hɨ́:c'ɨyiit's heehawing
  348. john deʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔ k'éʔiAudio fileJohn is heavy.
  349. john dúku dewdó:daʔ k'éʔiAudio fileJohn is a hard worker.
  350. john hámuʔáŋaw šémuyiAudio fileJohn is really happy.
  351. john hámuʔáŋawiAudio fileJohn is happy.
  352. k'ilé:tiʔiAudio fileHe put his head down
  353. k'ilétiʔudi yáhayetiʔiAudio fileHe put his head down and it began to hurt
  354. k'iʔwášaʔišgihe's going to eat them
  355. k'uláŋaʔó:šugto ride in here on (something)
  356. k'uláŋaʔúʔšihe's going along on horseback
  357. k'uyéʔišugto swim hither
  358. k'á:k'aʔAudio fileheron
  359. k'ášdɨmihe's hiding something
  360. k'ómho t'íʔyaʔa, bayópšapgišuweʔlelaʔ. gaʔlóʔpayamithe Cow Parsnip Children went away briefly waving their bushy hair after him; they caught him
  361. káŋa ʔášaʔa mɨ́ʔde mášdimithe bear in the cave is hiding
  362. káŋkašhollow
  363. ké:k dayásaŋAudio filehotcake
  364. ké:k dayásaŋ dimugí:giyi ʔíšgi ledót'ikhayiAudio fileThe hotcake that I tasted burned me.
  365. ké:k dayásaŋ dimugí:giyiš ledót'ikhayiAudio fileI tasted the hotcake and it burned me.
  366. ké:k dayásaŋ dimugí:giyišgi diháŋa dót'ikhayiAudio fileThe hotcake that I tasted burned my mouth.
  367. ké:k dayásaŋ dimugí:giyišgi ledót'ikhayiAudio fileThe hotcake that I tasted burned me.
  368. ladámallisten to me, hear me!
  369. layáʔhahahurt me
  370. lebéyɨtcomb my hair!
  371. ledéšɨlAudio fileHand it to me!
  372. leyúlidúwahayihe wants to kill me
  373. lá:daʔ dirú:ma yásaŋiAudio fileMy bedroom is hot.
  374. lá:daʔa wayásaŋiAudio fileIt's hot in my bedroom.
  375. lá:duAudio filemy hand
  376. lá:du diyášuʔášaʔiAudio fileI will wash my hands
  377. lá:du yáhayiAudio fileMy hands hurt.
  378. lá:duya digumyá:k'ɨmida diyáhayiI cut my hand, and I hurt
  379. lá:duya diyáha šémuyiI really hurt on my hand
  380. láhɨlmy leg
  381. lák'aŋ t'álʔŋiʔa man's name: having just one arm
  382. lák'aʔ gá:dulu dulé:k'ɨliAudio fileHe is cooking with one hand.
  383. lák'aʔ lá:du yáha šémuyiAudio fileOne of my hands really hurts.
  384. lák'aʔ lélbišda béverli ʔí:biʔiš t'ánu míʔlew hamuʔáŋawaʔIf Beverly had come to the party, everyone would have been happy
  385. lák'aʔ lélbišda béverli ʔíyeweʔiš t'ánu míʔlew hamuʔáŋawluheligiif Beverly had gone to the party, everyone would have been happy
  386. lák'aʔ múʔc'im múʔc'imone hundred
  387. lák'aʔ t'é:weʔ dewgúliweʔ k'éʔi lák'aʔ behéziŋ k'áʔašAudio fileThis one is high, that one is small. / This one is taller than that one.
  388. lák'aʔ t'é:weʔ dewgúliweʔ k'éʔi lák'aʔ dewgúliweʔ šemuyé:s k'áʔašThis one is high, that one is not very high. / Thsi one is taller than that one.
  389. lák'aʔ t'é:weʔ dewgúliweʔ k'éʔi lák'aʔ t'é:weŋa dewguliweʔé:s k'áʔašThis one is high, that one is not high
  390. lák'aʔ yáha šémuyiAudio fileOne really hurts.
  391. lánaliʔšiyaʔwe (du. inc.) are living in a house
  392. láyaʔhayé:shadon't make it hurt, don't hurt me
  393. láyušmy hair
  394. láyušiour head hair
  395. láŋalmy house
  396. láŋal k'éʔiAudio filethat's my house
  397. láŋalaAudio fileat my house
  398. láŋala lébiʔida hút'iweʔ léʔwiAudio fileI came home and ate something
  399. láŋala lép'amiAudio fileI went home
  400. láŋala léyewe héligiAudio fileI might go home
  401. láŋala léʔiAudio fileI am at my house
  402. láŋaladi gesú:biʔAudio filebring it from my house
  403. láŋalahé:š MéʔiAudio fileare you at my house?
  404. láŋalŋabut my house
  405. láŋalšiour house
  406. láŋalšiyaat our (du.) house
  407. lášdɨmášaʔiAudio fileI will hide it
  408. léhepmy head
  409. léhephuour heads
  410. léhepšiour heads
  411. lémedúweʔé:slegiI told him that I didn't want to drink.
  412. lémeʔdúweʔé:seʔ léʔlegiI told him that I didn't want to drink
  413. lémlemy heart
  414. lémluyiyeʔi dibišápuʔé:sluheligiIf I had eaten, I wouldn't be hungry
  415. lép'amiAudio fileI went
  416. léw léhephuour heads
  417. léwhu láyušhuour head hair
  418. léwhu léhephuour heads
  419. léši láyušiour head hair
  420. léši léhepšiour heads
  421. léšiŋa ʔémdekmewlé:sušayʔgihe keeps asking us not to dig
  422. léšɨlgabigi k'éʔiI will give it to her
  423. léšɨmhayášaʔleI'm going to sing for him
  424. léʔewyéʔšeLet's (du.) hurry up and eat it!
  425. lí: léšlišgi k'éʔiI can give it to her
  426. lí:noya pú:lulŋa deyéwamé:sha k'éʔiAudio fileHe never drives to Reno
  427. lí:noyaŋa pú:luŋa deyéʔešuweʔé:sha k'éʔiAudio fileHe never drives to Reno
  428. lídiʔ dámaliŋaAudio fileI heard it
  429. lɨ́:dɨtgayabiAudio fileHe ran past
  430. ma:duʔumyašuhe:šiʔdid you wash your hands?
  431. madá:mihe hit you
  432. madá:t'akmud hen
  433. malaʔóŋosAudio filefool; handicapped person
  434. mawgáyamihe hit you with a stick, pole; a pole (fell and) hit you
  435. mašášdɨmihe's hiding several things
  436. mašášuduweʔihe's afraid of you
  437. melé:weʔgišiAudio fileit hops along (a bird)
  438. melé:weʔišiAudio fileit hops
  439. memdé:wi yát'igihe killed the deer
  440. mewšáŋaʔgaŋaʔášayʔdahe's going to hang it up to dry
  441. meʔéwšiʔhusband's brother
  442. mibedugémsetaš dáŋal gadó:daAudio fileI help you build a house
  443. mibedugémsetaš gedulekɨlAudio fileI will help you cook
  444. midugémsedaš gedulé:k'ɨlAudio fileI help you cook
  445. midugémsedaš má:du gayášuAudio fileI help you wash your hands
  446. midugémsediš gólaš ʔumdulék'ɨlmámaheligiAudio fileI will help you cook faster
  447. midugémsethiAudio fileI help you
  448. midámalé:siAudio fileI didn't hear you
  449. midámalʔaŋawé:saʔAudio fileI didn't hear you well.
  450. mimdéwšiyeʔiAudio fileYou are digging. / You have been digging.
  451. mimdéwɨšdelemiAudio fileI hear you digging
  452. mubobilhot tabasco chili
  453. mudotikhorseradish; hot feeling in nose, as after inhaling salsa
  454. má:duAudio filehis hand
  455. má:du gayášuAudio filewash your hands
  456. má:duluAudio filewith your hands
  457. má:dulu gec'ugéʔešaAudio fileYou carried it (small obj.) with your hands.
  458. má:dulu gec'ugéʔeša gesú:wamAudio filecarry it there with your hands
  459. má:duya ʔumyaha ʔíwehé:šiDid your hand stop hurting?
  460. má:mto hit with body part (pl.)
  461. máʔagó:šugto bring wood in here
  462. máʔwiʔhawk
  463. mé:hu delkáykayiʔ k'éʔaʔ dihámuyudiš t'é:weʔ delkáykayiʔ šému k'éʔiyeʔiAudio fileI thought the boy was tall, he is very tall
  464. mé:hu lák'aʔ gitmáyaba yáhayigelu tuʔmáʔamiAudio fileThe boy put his foot that was hurting into the water
  465. mé:hu šáwlamhuhak'a wagayáyʔigi k'éʔi wagayáyʔ galámi gehé:šAudio fileThe boy can talk to the girl whenever he wants.
  466. mé:hu ʔwáʔ ʔéʔi šáwlamhu wagayáŋaheligi kéʔiAudio fileIf the boy was here, he would talk to the girl
  467. mémlewhummingbird
  468. mí:ya dulášiwihe's wiping off his hand on you
  469. míheba ʔumilyá:wiʔiAudio fileYour hair/head is black.
  470. míhepyour head
  471. míyadihámugóŋaʔiI hate to see you go, like to be with you
  472. míyahámugóŋaʔishe hates to see you go, likes to be with you
  473. míšɨmdelemiAudio fileI hear you singing
  474. míʔleši gá:duluAudio filewith both his hands
  475. míʔleši gá:dulu duleʔwíʔwidiHe is shaking with both hands/ both his hands are shaking.
  476. míʔleši gá:dulu dulék'ɨliAudio fileHe is cooking with both his hands.
  477. míʔleši gá:dulu geduléšliAudio fileHe gives him both his hands.
  478. míʔleši gá:dulu pélew ʔíbikhayiHe is cooking the rabbit with both his hands.
  479. míʔleši lá:dulu diduléšliI give him both my hands.
  480. míʔleši má:duluAudio filewith both your hands
  481. míʔleši ʔá:duluAudio filewith both his hands
  482. míʔlešilu duleʔwíʔwidiHe is shaking with both hands/ both his hands are shaking.
  483. míʔlešilu geduléšɨliHe gives him both his hands.
  484. mó:ni bipsášaʔihe's about to pick up the money
  485. móʔc'imgrass, hay
  486. mɨ́ʔde káŋa mášdimia bear is hiding in the cave
  487. mɨ́ʔde káŋa mášdɨmaš lí:gilegiI saw the bear hiding in the cave
  488. p'áŋaʔihe's hanging on something, crawling onto something
  489. p'ɨ́ʔlɨyášaʔihe's going to fish with hook and line
  490. p'ɨ́ʔlɨyú:biʔto have come bringing the results of fishing with hook and line, to have come home from fishing with hook and line with fish
  491. p'ɨ́ʔlɨŋáŋayithey're pretending to fish with hook and line
  492. pélew Leʔšihe's chasing a rabbit
  493. pélew mušéʔešahe hunted rabbits
  494. pú:lul MúʔušhayiAudio fileHe is driving
  495. pú:lul gík'eŋ deyéʔešha k'éʔi rí:noya giwamAudio fileHe always drives to Reno
  496. pú:lul yéʔešhayiAudio fileHe is driving
  497. pú:lulaŋa ʔíyeweʔé:siAudio fileHe didn't drive anywhere
  498. pú:luliyésa lé:weʔ dewgális k'éʔi wádiŋ Audio fileElicited: He is old enough to drive now
  499. pú:lulŋa gúŋaŋa yéʔešuweʔé:shayiAudio fileHe didn't drive anywhere
  500. pú:luŋa Múʔušuweʔé:shayiHe didn't drive anywhere
  501. siyɨ́:yɨyihe's humming
  502. sáʔto set down, put away, keep, have
  503. sáʔahe's got
  504. síyuksage hen
  505. súkuʔ bišáp'uyiAudio filethe dog is hungry
  506. súkuʔ debešáp'u ʔémluyiAudio filethe hungry dog eats
  507. súkuʔ dímeʔa ʔuʔláʔamiHe carried his dog into the water
  508. súkuʔ gayáʔhahahurt the dog!
  509. súkuʔ ŋáwaya gé:geliThe dog is sitting on the ground
  510. t'anu ʔápɨšhuman body
  511. t'á:YaŋAudio fileto hunt
  512. t'á:Yaŋihe's hunting
  513. t'á:Yaŋilto go hunting and bring back the kill
  514. t'á:gɨm desáʔiI have pine nuts
  515. t'á:gɨm leʔwlelé:sigi LéʔiAudio fileI have never eaten pinenuts
  516. t'á:gɨm umsáhé:šido you have pine nuts?
  517. t'ánu ʔémlea person's heart
  518. t'áyušhis hair
  519. t'áŋala lép'amšegiAudio fileI almost went to his house
  520. t'é:k'eʔ heyéʔemašaʔúŋilaš gitbehúweʔ páyhayaʔAudio fileHe was going to win a lot of money, but he lost his ticket
  521. t'é:k'eʔ lášdɨmiAudio fileI'm hiding many things
  522. t'é:k'eʔ šemuyé:s daʔmóʔmoʔa dewgálisiʔ k'éʔiHe is not too much older than the woman
  523. t'é:liwhu delšɨ́šɨšiʔ k'éʔiAudio fileThe man is heavy.
  524. t'é:liwhu hák'a šáwlamhu hak'aŋté:šiʔ wewgíʔišiʔiAudio fileThe man is as heavy as the girl.
  525. t'é:liwhu hák'a šáwlamhu t'é:k'eʔ wewgíʔišiAudio fileThe man is as heavy as the girl.
  526. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔ mámaʔiAudio fileThe man got heavy.
  527. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔ šémuyi šáwlamhu lélewThe man is heavier than the girl.
  528. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔ šémuyi šáwlamhuyaAudio fileThe man is heavier than the girl.
  529. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔi šáwlamhu dúlel héšiThe man is heavier than the girl.
  530. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔi šáwlamhu lélewThe man is heavier than the girl.
  531. t'é:liwhu ʔíšmišge didámaliAudio fileI heard the man singing.
  532. t'é:weŋa dewguliweʔé:s k'éʔiAudio fileIt (the ladder) is not high
  533. t'é:weʔ dewgó:gaʔ ʔáyušiʔiAudio fileShe has long hair.
  534. t'é:weʔ dewgúliweʔ k'éʔi lák'aʔ lélewAudio fileIt (the ladder) is higher than that one
  535. t'éwegiliweʔé:snot high
  536. t'éweʔgiliweʔhigh (in the sky)
  537. t'í:yeliŋa wegoyabé:siAudio fileIt doesn't have a big hole
  538. t'í:yeliʔ gá:dulu démlu gebíšliAudio fileHe gave him food with his big hands.
  539. t'í:yeliʔ ʔá:duʔigelu démlu gebíšliAudio fileHe gave him food with his big hands.
  540. t'í:yeliʔa dáŋala p'á:šuweʔaAudio fileHe went into a bigger house [away from speaker].
  541. t'íhebadiʔAudio filefrom his head
  542. t'íhephis head
  543. tamugáyʔliʔ šémuyiduŋ Mí:k'iʔiAudio fileHe looks really bored
  544. tukdá:šugithey're looking in here
  545. tukyá:buweʔíthey're looking through a hole
  546. tulíst'aʔdeer-hide
  547. tumʔtétiʔihe has both feet hanging down
  548. tuʔmáʔami dímeʔaAudio fileHe put his foot into the water
  549. táhahollow pine nut
  550. tániw c'igú:gušan herb
  551. táʔnɨp Máŋalboat-house
  552. táʔwilu digumyá:k'ɨmi lá:duya ʔida diyáhayetiʔiI cut myself on my hand with a knife, and I began to hurt
  553. tígat'i:t'eshonest
  554. tóšap ʔilšɨ́:šɨšiʔiThe sack is heavy
  555. wayušuŋihot
  556. wayák'ašaš dihamuʔáŋawušayʔgiAudio fileWhen it is warm, I am happy
  557. wayák'ašiš dihamuʔáŋawigi LéʔiAudio fileWhen it is warm, I am happy
  558. wayásaŋ šémuyé:siAudio fileIt's not very hot.
  559. wayásaŋaAudio fileit became hot
  560. wayásaŋa ʔišda dihuLúʔyayiAudio fileit got hot and I fell down, collapsed
  561. wayásaŋi baŋáyaAudio fileIt's hot outside.
  562. wayásaŋiʔAudio fileit is hot
  563. waʔwó:yiit's howling
  564. wehúpešto have a black head; to have black hair
  565. wehúpešiAudio fileHe has a black head/hair.
  566. wehúpešuweʔiAudio fileHe has a black head.
  567. wehúpešuweʔi gíhebaAudio fileHe is black on his head.
  568. whewsaid when one is hot
  569. wá:diŋ wayásaŋi ʔló:t wayásaŋ šémuyé:sayigiAudio fileToday is hotter than yesterday.
  570. wá:t huŋaté:šiʔ dewgális hé:š k'éʔgabigi Audio fileHow old will he be tomorrow?
  571. wá:t ʔwáʔ ʔéʔgabigi k'éʔiAudio fileShe will be here tomorrow
  572. wá:šilu šuʔmíʔšuweʔihe's throwing it away from here
  573. wá:šiwíLu gemušéʔešCount in Washo!
  574. wá:ʔhere
  575. wá:ʔŋa gú:diŋaŋa lí:gilelé:sk'eŋiI haven't seen anybody at all here
  576. wágat'umuweʔhole
  577. wáʔ léʔšeLet's stay here
  578. wí:diʔ demíp'ɨl šému lák'aʔ dewMéyuya dewgíʔiš lélewAudio fileThis one is very full next to the one that is half full.
  579. wí:diʔ t'á:gɨm ʔwáʔ wí:diya muʔáŋiʔ šémuyiThese pine nuts here taste way better than those (ones).
  580. wí:diʔ t'é:liwhu, t'a:Yaŋuliʔgithis man returned from hunting
  581. yaŋá:šug(pl.) to run in hither
  582. yaŋʔgá:šugithey're lying with their heads in here
  583. yaŋʔmámadamithey're lying with their heads to the south
  584. yeŋíʔšuweʔithey're running hence
  585. yeŋʔmémiweʔithey're lying with heads towards east
  586. yeʔmɨ́mzɨmihe has coarse whiskers
  587. yá:mto hit with an instrument
  588. yá:saʔ gedumbéc'edášaʔihe's going to poke him again
  589. yásaŋiʔAudio fileit's hot
  590. yáʔhato hurt
  591. yéweša wešléʔmuʔi ʔip'amé:sidaThey got hurt on the road, and they didn't get there
  592. zí:gɨn gamahé:šiAudio fileDid he eat up the chicken?
  593. zí:gɨn gámaʔiAudio fileHe ate up the chicken
  594. zí:gɨŋa ʔiʔwé:sayʔgiAudio fileHe didn't eat the chicken
  595. zɨ́szɨyihe's playing basket hand-game
  596. zɨ́tzɨyihe's playing basket hand-game
  597. ŋaŋáwŋaŋ MašášdɨmiAudio filethe children are hiding
  598. ŋáwŋaŋ búʔyihe's feeding the child
  599. ŋáwŋaŋ ʔá:duthe baby's hand
  600. šáwlamhu delšɨ́šɨšiʔé:s k'éʔiAudio fileThe girl is light; The girl is not heavy.
  601. šáwlamhuya t'é:k'eŋa wagálisé:sihe is not older than the girl
  602. šášdɨm(pl.) to hide
  603. šúyá:mto hit one's chest on something
  604. šɨ́šɨšheavy
  605. ʔak'í:digeduŋ dawáʔhonest person
  606. ʔaŋahó:pigeon
  607. ʔida lémludiš láŋale legúbyudiAfter we ate she took me home
  608. ʔilk'awk'awiʔto be hard
  609. ʔilkáykayiʔ šémuyiAudio fileHe is really tall
  610. ʔilálik'iAudio filehe fights, hits
  611. ʔilšɨšɨšiʔiAudio fileIt/he/she is heavy.
  612. ʔilšɨ́:šɨšiʔi lák'aʔ múʔc'ɨmTen is heavy
  613. ʔilšɨ́:šɨšiʔi šémuyiIt's really heavy
  614. ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔiAudio fileHe is heavy.
  615. ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔé:siAudio fileHe is not heavy.
  616. ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔé:siAudio fileHe is light; He is not heavy
  617. ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔšemuyé:siAudio fileHe is very light
  618. ʔit'óŋt'oŋJew's-harp
  619. ʔitMók'ak'akhook
  620. ʔitdiʔyu yasaŋi gawguwɨle:sthe stove is hot, do not touch it
  621. ʔitgumbáŋa ʔilk'áwk'awiʔiAudio fileThe table is hard.
  622. ʔitgumdóʔoš Máŋalsweat house
  623. ʔitgé:gela ʔwáʔ háʔwaʔ ʔitguáŋaʔ ʔíʔiyiAudio fileThere are four chairs here in the living room
  624. ʔišda léši diwgayáyʔišge šáʔayʔgiHe wrote down what we were saying
  625. ʔlotló:diʔ láŋala lí: léʔayʔgiAudio fileI was at my house yesterday
  626. ʔlotló:diʔ lí:giyiš ʔilkáykayiʔayʔgiAudio fileWhen I saw him yesterday, he was tall
  627. ʔlotló:diʔ ʔí:biʔayʔgiAudio fileHe came yesterday
  628. ʔlá:šug(four-legged animals) to come hither in a group
  629. ʔló:t baŋáya wayásaŋayigiYesterday it was hot outside.
  630. ʔló:t láŋala léʔayʔgiI was at my house yesterday
  631. ʔlóhmaat the rocky hills
  632. ʔohóšAudio filehat
  633. ʔohóš ʔíwiʔAudio fileon the hat
  634. ʔuhó:š mekgélbaʔyihat is blowing away
  635. ʔumbišápuhé:šiare you hungry?
  636. ʔumdámalhé:šiAudio filedo you hear it?
  637. ʔumeʔéwšiʔyour husband's brother
  638. ʔumsahé:šiAudio filedo you have it?
  639. ʔumt'áŋaʔa hunt
  640. ʔuŋat'e:šihé:š gewewgíwamhayaʔ pú:lul MuʔušhayiAudio fileHow fast is he driving?
  641. ʔuŋat'e:šihé:š gewgíwamhayaʔ pú:lul yéʔešhayiAudio fileHow fast is he driving?
  642. ʔuŋat'e:šihé:š geyéʔešhayiAudio fileHow fast is he driving?
  643. ʔuŋatešihé:š delkáykayiʔ k'éʔiAudio fileHow tall is he?
  644. ʔuŋatešihé:š t'á:gɨm sáʔiAudio fileHow many pine nuts does he have?
  645. ʔuŋatešiʔ hé:š MúʔušheliʔiAudio fileHow fast can he run?
  646. ʔuʔleʔesto hold
  647. ʔá:duAudio filehand
  648. ʔápɨdihe's peeling it
  649. ʔát'abiʔŋa sú:biʔlé:agaŋaʔušihe doesn't bring home fish anymore
  650. ʔáyušhair on head
  651. ʔáŋalto build a house
  652. ʔášdɨmto hide
  653. ʔášgá:mto hit one's back on something
  654. ʔélšɨmášayʔda ʔí:biʔihe's coming over here to sleep
  655. ʔémleheart
  656. ʔémluhuyé:siHe says he doesn't want to eat.
  657. ʔí:šiʔwé:c'ɨg(skin, bone) to heal together
  658. ʔíhebhead
  659. ʔíhepáyahaheadache
  660. ʔímeʔlelé:sigiHe never did drink.
  661. ʔímeʔá:šugto bring water in here
  662. ʔíp'amidahe arrived there
  663. ʔíp'iwá:šugto stink, smell of skunk to come in here
  664. ʔíyewgášaʔuŋilišgihe was going to come here but...
  665. ʔíšiwto heal, get well
  666. ʔíʔib šemuyé:siHe is not crying very hard
  667. ʔíʔibi ʔíʔib šemuyé:siŋaHe is crying, but he is not crying very hard
  668. ʔíʔisto hold, take, bring
  669. ʔóc'i ʔóc'i gaMašamhush, lie down!
  670. ʔóc'i ʔóc'i gegé:gelhush, eat
  671. ʔóc'i ʔóc'i geʔebé:shush, don't cry
  672. ʔóhošá:šaAudio filein the hat
  673. ʔúm dàmalàŋawé:siAudio fileYou didn't hear it well.
  674. ʔúmsekhole for cooking pine nuts
  675. ʔúŋa delkáykayiʔ hé:š k'éʔiHow tall is he?
  676. ʔúŋa dewgálisihéš MéʔiAudio fileHow old are you?
  677. ʔúŋa mehé:šiHow are you?
  678. ʔúŋa ʔumhamuhé:šiHow are you?
  679. ʔúŋamehé:šiʔAudio filehow are you?
  680. ʔúŋate:šihé:š lɨ́dɨtgišheligiAudio fileHow fast can he run?


pro - he, she, it (subj.), this (subj.), that (subj.)

