míʔleši hak'aŋtéšiʔi •
They are both the same size.
míʔleši gá:dulu •
with both his hands
míʔleši gá:dulu dulék'ɨli •
He is cooking with both his hands.
míʔleši gá:dulu pélew ʔíbikhayi •
He is cooking the rabbit with both his hands.
míʔlešilu duleʔwíʔwidi •
He is shaking with both hands/ both his hands are shaking.
míʔleši gá:dulu duleʔwíʔwidi •
He is shaking with both hands/ both his hands are shaking.
míʔlešilu geduléšɨli •
He gives him both his hands.
míʔleši gá:dulu geduléšli •
He gives him both his hands.
míʔleši lá:dulu diduléšli •
I give him both my hands.
bedíliʔ míʔleši gá:dulu ledéšɨli •
He gave me the matches with both hands.
bedíliʔ míʔlešilu ledéšɨli •
He gave me the matches with both of them (hands).
míʔleši má:dulu •
with both your hands
bedíliʔ míʔleši má:dulu ledéšɨl •
Give me the match with both your hands!
míʔleši ʔá:dulu •
with both his hands
duleʔwíʔwidi míʔleši ʔá:dulu •
Both (his) hands are shaking.
míʔleši hák'aŋ hešiʔé:si •
they are both not the same size