ʔíyewg •
to come hither
ʔíyewkhu •
to say that one wants to come hither
géyewk •
come [here]
míyewk ʔášaʔi •
You will come.
gíw ʔíwk ʔášaʔi •
they will come
géyewk •
Come here.
géwe ʔwáʔ ʔiyeʔáʔyiʔi •
a coyote was walking here
t'é:liwhu hádigi ʔíyeweʔišge lí:gigalámi •
I want to see that man leave
ʔíyeweʔišge lí:gigalámi •
I want to see him leave
lí:noya léyaweʔgalámišŋa dipú:lul gɨ́lgayi •
I wanted to go to Reno, but my car broke
lák'aʔ lélbišda béverli ʔíyeweʔiš t'ánu míʔlew hamuʔáŋawluheligi •
if Beverly had gone to the party, everyone would have been happy
ʔí:yeweʔayʔgi gitgúšuʔ gitbipsášaʔaʔ ʔí:didaʔ •
She went to pick up her pet
t'é:liwhu dabáŋkušiʔ guŋahé:š ʔí:yeweyeʔi •
Where did the smoking man go?
t'é:liwhu dabáŋkušiʔ ʔí:yewelegi •
the man who was smoking left
t'é:liwhu dókto kéʔigi pártiya ʔéʔuŋiliŋa lí: ʔí:yeweʔi •
The man who is a doctor was at the party, but he left
rí:no halíŋa wéwɨš léyeweʔayʔgi •
It took a long time to get to Reno
huŋatešŋahé:š stí:vɨn ʔíyeweʔayʔi •
When did Steven leave?
halíŋa lí: ʔíyeweʔlegi •
He left a long time ago
t'é:k'ew lí: yáliʔi ʔišda lé:saʔ diyáliʔiš ʔiš lák'aʔ k'ídigi ramona híluk lí: mebéyuʔida ʔudi léyowehi •
A lot of people were standing and I was also standing, and someone said, let ramona pay first and then we go