gumbuʔáŋaliʔšémuyetiʔaʔ •
they (du.) made a permanent home together
dáŋal dadopópošha •
arsonist, 'burner of many houses'
ʔló:t láŋala léʔayʔgi •
I was at my house yesterday
ʔida lémludiš láŋale legúbyudi •
After we ate she took me home
hálaŋa dáŋal diwgayémiʔudi •
I'm still sweeping the house
dáŋal dó:daʔmámaʔi •
They finished building the house
halíŋa dáŋal dó:damamaʔé:si •
It took them a long time to finish building the house
halíŋayé:s dáŋal dó:daʔmámaʔi •
It didn't take very long for them to finish the house