ʔáŋawaʔ ʔisíwsiwiʔi •
it's good and smooth
wayúš ʔáŋiʔé:sa •
it doesn't smell good
lák'aʔ lélbišda béverli ʔí:biʔiš t'ánu míʔlew hamuʔáŋawaʔ •
If Beverly had come to the party, everyone would have been happy
lák'aʔ lélbišda béverli ʔíyeweʔiš t'ánu míʔlew hamuʔáŋawluheligi •
if Beverly had gone to the party, everyone would have been happy
dihamuʔáŋawi •
I'm feeling good
ʔumMí:giʔáŋawiʔi •
You look good
baŋáya wáŋawi •
It's nice outside
gahamuʔáŋawaʔ lí: gép'am •
Feel good, and go there!
gahamuʔáŋawaʔ lí: dá: gép'am •
Feel good, and go there!
gahamuʔáŋawaʔ gép'am •
Feel good, and go there!
ʔumMí:giʔáŋawišémuyi •
You look really good!
háʔašgibiʔiš ʔáŋawigi k'éʔi •
If the rain comes, that would be good
wádiŋguweʔébeyiʔ háʔašiš ʔáŋawtigi k'éʔi •
If it rains today, that would be good
há:biʔáŋawtiduŋ Mí:k'iʔi •
It looks like it's going to rain
hamuʔáŋawšémuyaʔ ʔémc'itigi •
She will feel really good when she wakes up
ʔelšɨmʔáŋawaʔ ʔudi hamuʔáŋawšémuyaʔ ʔémc'itigi •
After she has a good sleep, she will feel really good when she wakes up