Search for "t'" found 351 results

  1. t'anu ʔápɨšhuman body
  2. t'anuhámupride
  3. t'anuhé:š hút'iweʔ ʔíʔwiAudio fileDid anybody eat anything?
  4. t'anónoperson
  5. t'ašméʔc'elcoat
  6. t'ašp'í:ʔc'ɨ́kbutton
  7. t'aʔáŋaw k'eʔiʔAudio filehe's a good person
  8. t'e:beʔ gumók'osnow shoes
  9. t'e:k'eʔ demlu geʔewe:sdon't eat too much food
  10. t'ek'é:k'emany
  11. t'ekc'ekyé:gišihe's limping along (person, animal)
  12. t'elí:liwto be a man (PL)
  13. t'elí:liwhuAudio filemen
  14. t'elí:liwhu waʔyáykayimen grow tall
  15. t'ešešéšgjoint, knuckle
  16. t'eʔwéʔweʔ Míšɨmpuberty dance song
  17. t'eʔyúyukAudio fileto gallop, hop (rabbit)
  18. t'i:yeliʔAudio filebig, large
  19. t'idumshortening
  20. t'iga midé:siyou're not lying
  21. t'iga t'idé:sperson that doesn't tell lies
  22. t'igaʔí:dihe's telling a lie
  23. t'ugé:biliŋaplace near Dresslerville
  24. t'ugé:bɨlAudio filewinnowing tray
  25. t'ugí:sbasket sp.
  26. t'ukt'ót'omuweʔithey're looking down in
  27. t'á:YaŋAudio fileto hunt
  28. t'á:Yaŋihe's hunting
  29. t'á:Yaŋilto go hunting and bring back the kill
  30. t'á:daš demlucarnivore, meat-eater
  31. t'á:daš demétuyehafrozen meat
  32. t'á:daš disélɨmaAudio fileI grilled meat
  33. t'á:daš t'íhuk'ihadried meat
  34. t'á:dášdayóc'imraw meat
  35. t'á:giRubicon Creek
  36. t'á:gɨmAudio filepinenut(s)
  37. t'á:gɨm dayóc'imraw pine nuts
  38. t'á:gɨm debí:siyiʔroasted pine nut (without shell)
  39. t'á:gɨm desáʔiI have pine nuts
  40. t'á:gɨm gebéyuyihe's paying him pine nuts
  41. t'á:gɨm gumsabaysacred pine nut dance
  42. t'á:gɨm gumá:lɨtiAudio filethey steal each other's pine nuts
  43. t'á:gɨm leʔwlelé:sigi LéʔiAudio fileI have never eaten pinenuts
  44. t'á:gɨm léʔwušayʔgaʔ míʔleʔiʔiʔé:sAudio fileI ate pinenuts, not every time
  45. t'á:gɨm léʔwušayʔgiAudio fileI always ate pinenuts
  46. t'á:gɨm lí: léʔwlelušayʔgiAudio fileI eat pinenuts once in a while
  47. t'á:gɨm lí: léʔwšemuyé:sušayʔgiAudio fileI don't always eat pinenuts
  48. t'á:gɨm muʔáŋiʔiAudio fileThe pine nuts taste good.
  49. t'á:gɨm muʔáŋiʔé:siThe pine nuts don't taste good.
  50. t'á:gɨm p'álaʔpine nut seeds
  51. t'á:gɨm p'ítiʔ ʔáygiʔthe pine nuts fell down
  52. t'á:gɨm t'ánuŋa ʔiʔwé:siAudio fileNobody ate the pinenuts
  53. t'á:gɨm t'é:k'eŋa leʔwé:saʔ demuc'úc'u t'é:k'eʔ léʔwiAudio fileI ate more berries than pinenuts.
  54. t'á:gɨm umsáhé:šido you have pine nuts?
  55. t'á:gɨm wí:diʔ muʔáŋiʔi wí:diʔ dúlel héšiAudio fileThese pine nuts taste better than those ones.
  56. t'á:gɨm yá:k'aʔcone
  57. t'á:gɨm ʔá:šaamong the pine nut trees
  58. t'á:gɨm ʔíʔwihe's eating pine nuts
  59. t'á:t'atmagpie
  60. t'á:t'íupwards, uphill
  61. t'á:šAudio fileshirt
  62. t'á:š letoybé:c'ɨgiAudio filethe shirt chokes me
  63. t'ábagrizzly bear
  64. t'áhɨlhis leg
  65. t'álɨŋhis arm
  66. t'ánuperson, Indian, somebody, people
  67. t'ánu dadámal ʔášašé:sperson that understands what people are drawing at when they talk
  68. t'ánu debéyusomebody's younger brother
  69. t'ánu dedépu diyóhiyiI pulled out a sliver
  70. t'ánu degumsúlek'iʔé:sa person that everybody gets stuck on
  71. t'ánu dek'ápšapAudio fileperson with a dark face
  72. t'ánu dekMí:gileliʔé:sa person that nobody has ever seen
  73. t'ánu demluhé:š ʔíʔwiAudio fileDid somebody eat the food?
  74. t'ánu deyúlihakiller, 'person-killer'
  75. t'ánu démlu hút'aŋa ʔiʔwé:siNobody ate any food
  76. t'ánu démlu ʔiʔwhé:šiAudio fileDid somebody eat the food?
  77. t'ánu gumbašáʔišdaelection
  78. t'ánu gumsabaʔyášaʔipeople are going to have a big time
  79. t'ánu hút'aŋaŋa diyamé:siAudio fileI didn't say anything to anybody
  80. t'ánu malaʔóŋosugly person
  81. t'ánu mehú:hu míʔlew gaʔlá:miAudio fileSomeone likes every boy
  82. t'ánu p'áyʔcrazy person
  83. t'ánu p'áʔiyaʔAudio filehe's crazy
  84. t'ánu pélew hésgeʔ máʔaklu ʔugát'igiSomeone killed a rabbit with two sticks.
  85. t'ánu pélew máʔaklu ʔugát'igiSomeone killed a rabbit with a piece of wood/stick.
  86. t'ánu pélew t'í:yelilu ʔugát'igiSomeone killed a rabbit (with something big).
  87. t'ánu pélew ʔugát'igiSomeone killed a rabbit (with a club-like object).
  88. t'ánu t'áŋawiʔgood-looking person
  89. t'ánu t'émʔluʔman-eater
  90. t'ánu t'íšiwhadoctor, curer, healer
  91. t'ánu wagugáŋilathe people were yelling
  92. t'ánu ŋáwŋaŋ šuʔmáʔamlegisomeone threw the baby into the water
  93. t'ánu ŋáwŋaŋ ʔáʔaglegihe (someone) carried the baby
  94. t'ánu ʔmémʔluʔgaŋaʔluligipeople began eating you (pine nuts) long ago
  95. t'ánu ʔémlea person's heart
  96. t'ánu ʔíwiʔon / over a person
  97. t'ánuhé:š Muʔušáyt'iʔiAudio fileDid anybody run? / Did somebody run?
  98. t'ánuhé:š melétiʔiAudio fileDid anybody jump? / Did somebody jump?
  99. t'ánuhé:š zí:gɨn ʔiʔwáyt'iʔiAudio fileDid anybody eat the chicken?
  100. t'ánuhé:š ʔí:biʔiAudio fileDid anybody come?
  101. t'ánuyuŋildead person, dead people
  102. t'ánuyuŋil méʔigiyou are a dead person
  103. t'ánuyuŋilduŋ dagumhámuʔí:k'iʔ méʔigiyou look like a dead person!
  104. t'ánuyuŋilduŋ t'éʔ Méʔleyou oughta be dead!
  105. t'ánuyuŋiliʔdead people!
  106. t'ánuŋa diwagayʔáŋaʔé:siAudio fileI didn't talk to anyone
  107. t'ánuŋa hút'aŋaŋa ʔiʔwé:siAudio fileNobody ate anything
  108. t'ánuŋa k'iʔwé:siAudio fileNobody ate them
  109. t'ánuŋa k'í:giyé:siAudio fileNobody saw it
  110. t'ánuŋa meletiʔé:siAudio fileNobody jumped
  111. t'ánuŋa sí:suŋa ʔí:giyé:siAudio fileNobody saw the bird
  112. t'ánuŋa t'á:gɨmŋa ʔiʔwé:siAudio fileNobody ate the pinenuts
  113. t'ánuŋa yuliyé:sayʔgiAudio fileNobody died
  114. t'ánuŋa zí:gɨn ʔiʔwé:sayʔgiAudio fileNobody ate the chicken
  115. t'ánuŋa ʔemluyé:siAudio fileNobody ate
  116. t'ánuŋa ʔi:biʔé:siAudio fileNobody came
  117. t'ánuŋa ʔi:biʔé:slegiAudio fileNobody came
  118. t'ánuŋa ʔí:biʔé:sayʔgiAudio fileNobody came
  119. t'ánuʔíwiʔ gumbáwdihe' stepping over somebody
  120. t'áp'ɨlits tail
  121. t'áyawiʔperson who's pregnant
  122. t'áyušhis hair
  123. t'áyuš yá:k'ɨmháʔyaAudio filehe scalped him
  124. t'áŋala lép'amšegiAudio fileI almost went to his house
  125. t'áŋawAudio filegood
  126. t'áŋaw lemíšliAudio fileyou give me something good
  127. t'ášaʔAudio filecottonwood
  128. t'ášaʔ ʔlúweʔa grove of cottonwood trees above Wadsworth, Nevada; 'cottonwood trees standing'
  129. t'ášɨkhis back
  130. t'áʔnibboat
  131. t'áʔnip dekgumlešéʔšiʔracing boat
  132. t'áʔnɨp mekgéʔšithe boat is sailing
  133. t'áʔnɨ́pcanoe
  134. t'é:beʔsnow on ground
  135. t'é:beʔ gumsí:susparrow, finch (?)
  136. t'é:k'ewAudio filemany people, all [the people], everybody
  137. t'é:k'ew da wagí:k'ɨlaAudio filethere are many people there
  138. t'é:k'ew lí: yáliʔi ʔišda lé:saʔ diyáliʔiš ʔiš lák'aʔ k'ídigi ramona híluk lí: mebéyuʔida ʔudi léyowehiA lot of people were standing and I was also standing, and someone said, let ramona pay first and then we go
  139. t'é:k'ew t'elí:liwhu šélšɨmiAudio fileAll the men were sleeping.
  140. t'é:k'ew t'ánu hút'iweʔ begúweʔiMany people are buying something
  141. t'é:k'ew ʔluwéweʔ gí:gelewlamany people are sitting around
  142. t'é:k'ewaAudio filenear many people
  143. t'é:k'ewhak'awith many
  144. t'é:k'eŋdefinitely all
  145. t'é:k'eŋa dewgíʔišé:s dewdíʔiš yá:k'aʔ gígɨlewɨlAudio fileThe pinecone isn't big around
  146. t'é:k'eŋa lebašaʔé:shayaʔNot many people voted for me
  147. t'é:k'eʔAudio filemany
  148. t'é:k'eʔ dawgayáyʔk'iʔ Méʔiyou are a person who talks lots
  149. t'é:k'eʔ demó:niyi k'éʔiAudio fileIf I were rich, had a lot of money
  150. t'é:k'eʔ dewdíʔiš k'éʔaš dewp'áp'ɨl t'é:k'eʔ šemuyé:sThere are more trees than flowers. / There are many trees; there aren't many flowers.
  151. t'é:k'eʔ dewdíʔiš k'éʔi dewp'áp'ɨl lélewThere are more trees than flowers.
  152. t'é:k'eʔ dewdíʔiš k'éʔi dewp'áp'ɨl ʔíleʔThere are more trees than flowers.
  153. t'é:k'eʔ dewdíʔiš k'éʔi dewp'áp'ɨl ʔíwiʔ gáyapThere are (way) more trees than flowers.
  154. t'é:k'eʔ dibilá:daʔi pú:lul hádigi dibegúweʔgalámišgi k'éʔiIf I had a lot of money, I would want to buy that car
  155. t'é:k'eʔ dimó:niAudio fileI have a lot of money
  156. t'é:k'eʔ dimó:nigelu pú:lul digumbéguwaʔášaʔiAudio fileIf I were rich I would buy myself a car
  157. t'é:k'eʔ dimó:niʔi pú:lul hádigi dibegúweʔišgi k'éʔiIf I had a lot of money, I would buy a car
  158. t'é:k'eʔ dimó:niʔigelu pú:lul dibegúwehéligiAudio fileIf I were rich I would buy a car
  159. t'é:k'eʔ dílek yeŋt'á:t'ɨmiAudio fileA lot of ducks all scattered
  160. t'é:k'eʔ heyéʔemašaʔúŋilaš gitbehúweʔ páyhayaʔAudio fileHe was going to win a lot of money, but he lost his ticket
  161. t'é:k'eʔ lášdɨmiAudio fileI'm hiding many things
  162. t'é:k'eʔ mušéʔeš léweʔAudio fileThere is lots to read
  163. t'é:k'eʔ mó:niʔ mɨ́:lɨtluhelišŋa gitbí:baʔ páyhayaʔHe could have won a lot of money, but he lost his ticket
  164. t'é:k'eʔ t'á:gɨm ŋáwaya bedítiʔa ʔaš wát'aya guté:šiʔé:s pá:ʔmamore pine nuts fall on the ground than in the river
  165. t'é:k'eʔ yagá:dabiAudio filemany are lying face up
  166. t'é:k'eʔ šemuyé:snot very much
  167. t'é:k'eʔ šemuyé:s daʔmóʔmoʔa dewgálisiʔ k'éʔiHe is not too much older than the woman
  168. t'é:k'eʔ šemuyé:s guwáwayiThere's not much left
  169. t'é:k'eʔ šému dewgálisiʔ k'éʔihe is really old
  170. t'é:k'eʔ ʔát'abiʔ k'uyéʔešiAudio fileMany fish swim underwater.
  171. t'é:k'eʔ ʔéʔayʔgiAudio fileThere were lots
  172. t'é:k'eʔ ʔéʔiAudio fileThere are lots
  173. t'é:k'eʔ ʔípuʔihe found lots of it
  174. t'é:k'éŋa šemuyé:s léw diwgayayŋáŋayaʔWe talked a little bit of small talk
  175. t'é:liwAudio filesomeone, somebody
  176. t'é:liwhuAudio fileman
  177. t'é:liwhu MíleyiAudio fileThe man is old.
  178. t'é:liwhu báŋkušiThe man is smoking
  179. t'é:liwhu báŋkušíweʔiThe man stopped smoking
  180. t'é:liwhu dabáŋkuš k'éʔlegiThe man who was smoking
  181. t'é:liwhu dabáŋkušiʔ guŋahé:š ʔí:yeweyeʔiWhere did the smoking man go?
  182. t'é:liwhu dabáŋkušiʔ ʔí:yewelegithe man who was smoking left
  183. t'é:liwhu dahámuʔaŋawé:s k'éʔiThe man is sad; the man is not feeling well.
  184. t'é:liwhu dahámuʔáŋawé:sAudio filesad man
  185. t'é:liwhu daʔmóʔmoʔ dewMéyaŋperson that's half woman and half man
  186. t'é:liwhu deMíle šémuAudio filevery old man
  187. t'é:liwhu deMíle šému kátumuweʔAudio filereally old man from way back
  188. t'é:liwhu deldú:dumiʔAudio filemuscular man
  189. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ hé:š k'éʔiIs the man tall?
  190. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ lí:giyiAudio fileI saw the tall man.
  191. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ wéwiš k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔ delkáykayiʔ šemuyé:s k'áʔašThe man is taller than the woman
  192. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šemuyé:s k'éʔiThe man is not very tall
  193. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šáwlamhu dúlel héšiAudio fileThe man is taller than the girl.
  194. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šému k'áʔaʔ pú:lul behéziŋa p'a:šé:sleŋ téšiʔAudio fileThe man is too tall to get into the small car
  195. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šému k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔ lélewThe man is taller than the woman
  196. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šému k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔ ʔilkáykayiʔ šemuyé:sašThe man is taller than the woman
  197. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šému k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔ ʔíwiʔ gáyapThe man is taller than the woman
  198. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šému k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔaThe man is taller than the woman
  199. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ šému šáwlamhu dúlel héšiAudio fileThe man is a lot taller than the girl.
  200. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ ʔíšmiAudio fileThe tall man was singing.
  201. t'é:liwhu delkáykayiʔ ʔíšmišge lí:giyiAudio fileI saw the tall man who was singing.
  202. t'é:liwhu deléši k'éʔiAudio fileThe man is lazy.
  203. t'é:liwhu delšɨ́šɨšiʔ k'éʔiAudio fileThe man is heavy.
  204. t'é:liwhu dewdíʔiša ʔudáwduweʔiThe man is taller than the tree.
  205. t'é:liwhu deʔilkáykayiʔ hé:š k'éʔiIs the man tall?
  206. t'é:liwhu démlu gebíšɨliThe man gave him food (on a plate, in a container).
  207. t'é:liwhu démlu t'í:yelilu gebíšɨliIntended: The man gave him food on a big plate.
  208. t'é:liwhu dípiʔ šáwlamhu ʔíwiʔ máŋaʔiAudio fileThe man threw a blanket over the girl.
  209. t'é:liwhu dókdoʔ k'éʔiAudio fileThe man is a doctor.
  210. t'é:liwhu dókdoʔ mámaʔ k'éʔiThe man is finished being a doctor.
  211. t'é:liwhu dókdoʔ šému k'éʔiThe man is a real doctor.
  212. t'é:liwhu dókdoʔ šému mámaʔ k'éʔiThe man is finished being a real doctor.
  213. t'é:liwhu dókto k'éʔišge lí:gilegiI saw the man who is a doctor
  214. t'é:liwhu dókto kéʔigi pártiya ʔéʔuŋiliŋa lí: ʔí:yeweʔiThe man who is a doctor was at the party, but he left
  215. t'é:liwhu dókto lí:gilegiI saw the man who is a doctor
  216. t'é:liwhu gé:weŋa ʔí:giyé:siAudio fileThe man didn't see a coyote
  217. t'é:liwhu géweŋa ʔí:giyé:siŋa sí:su ʔí:giyiAudio fileThe man didn't see a coyote, but he saw a bird
  218. t'é:liwhu géweŋa ʔí:giyé:siŋa sí:suk'eŋ ʔí:giyiAudio fileThe man didn't see a coyote, he only saw a bird
  219. t'é:liwhu hak'a daʔmóʔmoʔ t'é:k'eʔ dewgálisiʔ k'éʔiThe man and the woman are both old
  220. t'é:liwhu hádigi delkáykayiʔ k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔ lélewThe man is taller than the woman
  221. t'é:liwhu hádigi t'é:weŋa dawdáŋaʔ šemuyé:s k'éʔiThat man is not very tall
  222. t'é:liwhu hádigi ʔíyeweʔišge lí:gigalámiI want to see that man leave
  223. t'é:liwhu hák'a šáwlamhu hak'aŋté:šiʔ wewgíʔišiʔiAudio fileThe man is as heavy as the girl.
  224. t'é:liwhu hák'a šáwlamhu t'é:k'eʔ wewgíʔišiAudio fileThe man is as heavy as the girl.
  225. t'é:liwhu k'iʔwiThe man is eating it
  226. t'é:liwhu k'iʔwiThe man is eating it
  227. t'é:liwhu k'ídigi dí:meʔ ʔilélegiʔetiʔaʔ ʔídišŋa gemɨtgí:bɨliThe man said the water turned red, but he doesn't believe it
  228. t'é:liwhu k'ídigi dímeʔ ʔilélegiʔetiʔaʔ ʔídiThe man said that the water turned red
  229. t'é:liwhu lí: delkáykayiʔé:s k'éʔiThat man is not tall
  230. t'é:liwhu lí:gilegi ʔíšɨmašAudio fileI saw a man, he was singing.
  231. t'é:liwhu mɨtgí:bɨlé:si dí:meʔ ʔilélegiʔetiʔaʔ ʔídišgiThe man believes the water turned red
  232. t'é:liwhu pú:lul dúku yéʔešhayiAudio fileThe man is driving fast
  233. t'é:liwhu t'ilélew yáliʔia man is standing by something
  234. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ dewgálisiʔ k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔ t'é:k'eŋa dewgálisiʔ šemuyé:s k'áʔašThe man is older than the woman
  235. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ dewgálisiʔ k'éʔi daʔmóʔmoʔaThe man is older than the woman
  236. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ dewgíʔiš k'éʔi míʔlaʔaThe man is the biggest.
  237. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ dewgó:k'aʔ k'éʔi šáwlamhu t'é:k'eŋa dewgó:k'aʔé:s k'áʔašAudio fileThe man is older than the girl; The man is many years old, the girl is not so old.
  238. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔ mámaʔiAudio fileThe man got heavy.
  239. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ ʔugálisi šáwlamhu ʔíwiʔThe man is older than the girl.
  240. t'é:liwhu t'é:k'eʔ ʔugálisi šáwlamhuyaThe man is older than the girl.
  241. t'é:liwhu t'í:yeliʔ máyaplu tuʔmáʔamiThe man is putting his big foot in the water.
  242. t'é:liwhu tuʔmáʔamiAudio fileThe man is putting his foot in the water.
  243. t'é:liwhu yeŋí:biʔiAudio fileA lot of men ran over
  244. t'é:liwhu zí:gɨn ʔádaš gámaʔiThe man ate up the chicken
  245. t'é:liwhu zí:gɨn ʔádaš ʔíʔiw mámaʔiThe man ate the chicken up
  246. t'é:liwhu zí:gɨn ʔádaš ʔíʔwiThe man ate the chicken
  247. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔ hé:šiIs the man tall?
  248. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔ wéwši šáwlamhu dúlel héšiThe man is a little bit taller than the girl.
  249. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔ wéwši šáwlamhu dúlel héši šékAudio fileThe man is a little bit taller than the girl.
  250. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔ šáwlamhu dúlel hé:šiAudio fileThe man is taller than the girl.
  251. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔiAudio fileThe man is tall.
  252. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔi šáwlamhu lélewThe man is taller than the girl.
  253. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔé:siAudio fileThe man is short.
  254. t'é:liwhu ʔilkáykayiʔé:si šáwlamhu lélewAudio fileThe man is not taller than the girl.
  255. t'é:liwhu ʔilkúškušiʔiAudio fileThe man is short (and sturdy).
  256. t'é:liwhu ʔilkúškušiʔi šáwlamhu ʔilkúškušiʔ šémuyé:sašAudio fileThe man is a little bit shorter than the girl.
  257. t'é:liwhu ʔiltétebiʔ mamaʔáyʔi šáwlamhu behéziŋašAudio fileThe man is fatter than the girl.
  258. t'é:liwhu ʔiltétebiʔ mámaʔiThe man became fat.
  259. t'é:liwhu ʔiltétebiʔ šému mámaʔiThe man became really fat.
  260. t'é:liwhu ʔiltétebiʔ šémuyiThe man is really fat.
  261. t'é:liwhu ʔiltétebiʔiAudio fileThe man is fat.
  262. t'é:liwhu ʔiltétebiʔi šáwlamhu behéziŋašThe man is fat, the girl is small; The man is fatter than the girl.
  263. t'é:liwhu ʔiltétebiʔi šáwlamhu lélewAudio fileThe man is fatter than the girl.
  264. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔ šémuyi šáwlamhu lélewThe man is heavier than the girl.
  265. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔ šémuyi šáwlamhuyaAudio fileThe man is heavier than the girl.
  266. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔi šáwlamhu dúlel héšiThe man is heavier than the girl.
  267. t'é:liwhu ʔilšɨ́šɨšiʔi šáwlamhu lélewThe man is heavier than the girl.
  268. t'é:liwhu ʔitbemušéʔeš ʔí:giyi gášgaAudio fileThe man saw a book behind himself.
  269. t'é:liwhu ʔí:yeweʔ dihamuʔí:k'iʔiAudio fileI wish the man would leave
  270. t'é:liwhu ʔí:yeweʔheligi dihamuʔí:k'iʔiAudio fileI wish the man would leave
  271. t'é:liwhu ʔíšmišge didámaliAudio fileI heard the man singing.
  272. t'é:liwhu ʔíšmišge lí:giyiAudio fileI saw the man who was singing.
  273. t'é:t'ɨlvalley quail
  274. t'é:weŋa dawdaŋaʔé:s k'éʔiHe is not tall
  275. t'é:weŋa dawdaŋaʔé:s k'éʔi há:digi t'é:liwhuThat man is not tall
  276. t'é:weŋa dewguliweʔé:s k'éʔiAudio fileIt (the ladder) is not high
  277. t'é:weŋa dewgíʔišé:s k'éʔiAudio fileIt (the ladder) is not tall
  278. t'é:weŋa dewgíʔišé:s k'éʔiAudio fileIt is not long.
  279. t'é:weŋa dewgógaʔé:s dewdíʔiš yá:k'aʔ gígɨlewɨlAudio fileThe pinecone isn't big around
  280. t'é:weŋa dewgúʔušé:sAudio fileIt is not long
  281. t'é:weŋa wewdaŋaʔé:siShe is not very tall
  282. t'é:weʔ dewdíliweʔ k'éʔiAudio fileIt (the ladder) is tall
  283. t'é:weʔ dewgíwam k'éʔiAudio fileIt (the ladder) is tall
  284. t'é:weʔ dewgíʔiš k'éʔiAudio fileIt is long.
  285. t'é:weʔ dewgó:gaʔ ʔáyušiʔiAudio fileShe has long hair.
  286. t'é:weʔ dewgúliweʔ k'éʔi lák'aʔ lélewAudio fileIt (the ladder) is higher than that one
  287. t'é:weʔ dewgúʔušé:sAudio fileIt is not long.
  288. t'é:weʔ wegóhadiAudio fileIt is wide
  289. t'é:weʔ wegóhadi ʔitgé:gel dúlelAudio fileIt is wider than the couch
  290. t'é:weʔ wegóhobiAudio fileIt is wide
  291. t'é:weʔ wegúʔušiAudio fileIt is wide
  292. t'é:weʔ wewgóhadiIt's really wide
  293. t'é:weʔ šémuŋa dewgíʔišé:s k'éʔiAudio fileIt is not very long.
  294. t'é:weʔé:s dewgógaʔ dewdíʔiš yá:k'aʔ gígɨlewɨlThe pinecone isn't big around
  295. t'émlu gáʔlamé:sperson who doesn't like to eat
  296. t'émyewsomebody's buried food
  297. t'étɨkits seed
  298. t'éwegiliweʔé:snot high
  299. t'éweŋa wewgíʔišiʔé:siAudio fileIt is not long.
  300. t'éweʔlong, deep
  301. t'éweʔ dagó:gaʔlong (rope)
  302. t'éweʔ dawdáŋaʔlong (stick, penis), tall (person)
  303. t'éweʔ dawgóhatwide (board, valley, river)
  304. t'éweʔ dawgóhat t'á:liwhubroad-shouldered man
  305. t'éweʔ dewgó:gaʔAudio fileit is long
  306. t'éweʔ dewgúʔušAudio fileit is long
  307. t'éweʔ dewgúʔuš šémuyé:sAudio filenot very long; short
  308. t'éweʔ gí:gelayʔAudio fileway back; long ago
  309. t'éweʔ gítiʔvery low, a low place
  310. t'éweʔ léyeweʔgišuwaʔášaʔiI'm going to go far away
  311. t'éweʔ wagó:gaʔiʔAudio fileit is long
  312. t'éweʔ wagóhadiAudio fileit is wide, far
  313. t'éweʔ wegúʔušiʔAudio fileit is long
  314. t'éweʔ šému dewgúʔušé:sAudio fileit is not very long
  315. t'éweʔ šémuyé:sAudio filenot very long
  316. t'éweʔgiliweʔhigh (in the sky)
  317. t'éweʔé:sAudio filenearby, not far
  318. t'éʔwéʔweʔpuberty, menstruation dance
  319. t'í:bik'mámaʔ démluover-ripe, over-cooked food
  320. t'í:bik'áwduweʔdefinitely, very over-ripe, over-cooked
  321. t'í:dɨm wet'éwc'iwigrease is spattering
  322. t'í:k'eʔsomething ground up (like hamburger)
  323. t'í:lelewbeside
  324. t'í:yeliŋvery big
  325. t'í:yeliŋa wegoyabé:siAudio fileIt doesn't have a big hole
  326. t'í:yeliʔ dawgayáyʔk'iʔ Méʔiyou are a person who talks big
  327. t'í:yeliʔ delp'ílp'iliʔ dewí:k'iʔ k'éʔiAudio fileHe has big blue eyes.
  328. t'í:yeliʔ dewdíʔišAudio filebig tree
  329. t'í:yeliʔ dewí:k'iʔ k'éʔiAudio fileHe has big eyes.
  330. t'í:yeliʔ gá:dulu démlu gebíšliAudio fileHe gave him food with his big hands.
  331. t'í:yeliʔ wagóhadiAudio fileit's wide across
  332. t'í:yeliʔ wéwši wí:diʔ behéziŋaAudio fileThis one is a bit bigger than the small one
  333. t'í:yeliʔ wéwɨšAudio filesort of big
  334. t'í:yeliʔ wéwɨš yá:k'aʔAudio filesort of big pinecone
  335. t'í:yeliʔ šemuyé:s k'éʔiIt is not very big
  336. t'í:yeliʔ šémuAudio filevery big
  337. t'í:yeliʔ ʔitdémluya gebíšliAudio fileHe gave it to him on a big plate.
  338. t'í:yeliʔ ʔá:duʔigelu démlu gebíšliAudio fileHe gave him food with his big hands.
  339. t'í:yeliʔa dáŋala p'á:šuweʔaAudio fileHe went into a bigger house [away from speaker].
  340. t'í:yeliʔé:sAudio filenot big
  341. t'í:šits fur
  342. t'íhebadiʔAudio filefrom his head
  343. t'íhephis head
  344. t'íhuk'it's dry, stale
  345. t'íhuk'átp'utsomething dry and crumbly
  346. t'ílgáʔyto break off (snake-like object)
  347. t'ílgáʔyšegto almost break off (snake-like object)
  348. t'ímeʔ deugá:guyé:s LéhuyiWe (all) know how to drink (i.e. whiskey).
  349. t'íyekhis tooth
  350. t'íšɨm dugá:guyé:sperson that knows how to sing
  351. t'ɨ́nt'ɨnwrinkled, rough
